
Law of Attraction 

Life Coaching

for Those Seeking

the Absolute Highest &

Best Life Coaching Experience

As seen on NBC, CBS News, ABC, FOX

Premium Online Life Coaching

There’s only one reason you’re not manifesting your desires.

It’s because you have Resistence in your Vibration.

And removing this resistance is what I address in my coaching!

I work with heart-centered men and women to remove Limiting Beliefs, Sabotaging Patterns, Childhood Wounds, and Blocks to happiness.

Clients come to me feeling stuck in various areas of their lives and look to me to help them get unstuck.

Over the past decade, I’ve developed a “Powerful Breakthrough Process” that has never failed to remove those sabotaging beliefs.

As a result, my clients feel personally empowered and emotionally free to live without restrictions.

 And I am so committed to you becoming the best version of yourself that you’ll be surprised by the awesome results!

You’ll come to me for the Law of Attraction and in the process receive Personal Transformation!

“I am so pleased with the immediate results I see after just one session with Wendy. Her intuition leads her to use just the right process at the right time to bring healing. I thank God for the positive influence she has had on me.”  —  Lynn M of Grapevine, TX

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you never experienced trauma in your childhood?

Childhood trauma (or wounding) leaves painful, emotional feelings. And those negative feelings are imprinted in your brain’s mental tracks.

These painful feelings also become a part of your overall vibration.

And these vibrations continually inform the Universe (aka Law of Attraction) what to attract to you… which in this case, sets you up to attract circumstances that FEEL like that original childhood trauma.

Then this becomes the sabotaging pattern you’ve been experiencing over & over!

This is where my coaching proves to be effective in changing this cycle.

I have a powerful breakthrough process that eliminates the negative feelings associated with the painful wounding. This allows you to go forward in life as though the negative impact of the wounding NEVER took place… in that you no longer have any negative feelings when you think about this situation.

This means the behavioral pattern is no longer being replicated because your vibration in this area is now raised.

You won’t necessarily forget the event from a memory standpoint, but because the associated negative feelings of the event are now gone, it’s just a blip on your historical map. The emotional feelings are not only gone, but in many cases you will be left with great appreciation for the situation because it was the catalyst that created a beneficial characteristic within you.

Said another way… in the process of eliminating the negative thoughts and feelings associated from the original trauma, a new and empowering belief replaces it… which is what up-levels your vibration.

And now you’re free to live as though the original trauma never took place.

(I don’t know any other coach to make this claim, let alone guarantees these results!)

I don’t have a Client Roadmap!

Some coaches have a roadmap or curriculum.

I was taught (by one of the best business coaches on the planet) to develop a roadmap so my clients will know what to expect. BUT she also taught me to follow my intuition because that’s what’s right for me & my clients.

As such, my Intuitive Guidance made it abundantly clear that what’s right for me & you is for me to NOT have a roadmap… BECAUSE Spirit DOES!

And my promise is to stay tuned into Spirit during our sessions to follow the leading that Spirit shows me to give to you.

Spirit knows you… and knows what’s best for you.

Therefore, your coaching sessions will be Spirit-led and perfect for you.

“Sometimes you just need someone to help you open up your heart and mind to the truth so you can live your BEST LIFE.”  —  Scott S of Cape Coral, FL

MY unique style of delivering the Best Law of Attraction life coaching & Personal Transformation…

Transformational HealingI’m not the typical life coach.

I don’t have just one or two basic skills or strategic plans that I use with every client. I realize that you’re a unique individual and that some coaching techniques may not be effective for you. So, being skilled in so many different techniques in conjunction with following my Intuitive Guidance, I have a flawless record of being able to deliver what you need when you need it. And this is why you’ll experience an extraordinary transformation working with me!


Understanding the Principles of the Universe

The biggest needle mover in my life came from learning and understanding how the Universe is designed. Therefore, I weave these teachings prominently into my life coaching… because the principles of how the Universal is designed is the foundation upon which everything else is built… ultimately creating the greatest lasting success. 

Logo, Wendy Dillard, World-Class CoachingTop-notch, Certified Spiritual Life Coach

I started my coaching practice long before the title “life coaching” was made popular. When you become my client, you’re not getting a newbie life coach with zero (or little) experience. Instead, you’re receiving insights from a top-notch & certified spiritual life coach with years of experience.

In my life coaching services, I use the Law of Attraction as my primary tool because my successful track record has shown me and my clients that you’ll experience faster results when using the principles found in the Law of Attraction.

Regardless of the reason that brings you into a coaching relationship with me, the results can move you forward in every area of your life. When you understand the foundational principles that I’ll teach you, those concepts can be used for improving your relationships, your finances, your health, etc.

Synthesising Information

Synthesizing Information

I’ve spent over 3 decades synthesizing information about personal development and personal transformation with the intention of creating the most satisfying & fulfilling life. I’ve learned from some of the most prestigious leaders in these fields. In the process, I’ve applied & tested each principle within these huge bodies of materials, ultimately learning which techniques worked on me (and others) and which ones didn’t. This exploration covered psychology, logical reasoning, neuroscience, and The Law of Attraction.

Intuitive Guidance Highly DevelopedWoman receiving intuitive guidance

Meanwhile, I was also developing my spiritual connection and honing my ability to receive intuitive guidance. Today, my spiritual connection to God (also known as Higher Power, Spirit, Source Energy, the Universe,  All That Is, etc.) provides a stable foundation for how I live my life; and it’s integrated into everything I think and do.

Today, I live the satisfying & fulfilling life I sought since my youth. And because I live each day in incredible joy, I can’t help but want to share it with my clients. So, as a Certified Master Coach & Spiritual Mentor, I feel called to help my clients develop their spiritual connection while simultaneously transforming any sabotaging thoughts and/or beliefs that may be standing in the way of living their highest potential.

Give Yourself the Gift of Coaching with Wendy

Experiencing the Benifits of the Best Law of Attraction Life Coaching

So, if you resonate with me, reach out to me today to embark on your personal journey of

1) applying the Law of Attraction successfully,

2) receiving impactful life coaching and personal transformation, and

3) learning essential spiritual practices to transform your life into one of beautiful synchronicity of ease and flow.

My clients include women and men who are looking to transform their lives and live happily with a sense of true inner peace. I deliver my Premium life coaching services to all English-speaking individuals in such countries as the USA, America, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, Australia, UAE, etc.

I’m just a click away!



Scrolling Divider

What if the Creator of the Universe (who knows EVERYTHING about you) could speak into your life?

Well, that’s not only possible but probable… because that’s my special sauce! You see, God is communicating with you all the time, but you may not know how to recognize it. So, during our sessions, I will deliver those messages to you. They could be in the form of guidance, encouragement, insight, inspiration, or something else.

Infinite Intelligence IS wanting to speak to you. If this sounds wild and beyond what you thought was possible, then click here to read my journey about how this ability came to be.
Life is NOT supposed to be HARD it's actually supposed to be EASY!

You see, we came into this physical reality KNOWING that we had incredible POWER to create anything we wanted. But, exposure to other physical beings who lost sight of their personal power, caused you to believe that you lacked power too. These same physical beings also lost their knowledge of how the universe was designed.



Success with Personal Coaching, Dallas, TX

***And just in case you are wondering, you don’t have to have “a problem” to work with me. You can hire me if you’re looking for a sounding board. Brain-storming conversations ultimately become a SPRINGBOARD for gaining new insights into all areas of your life. Or you can share your “celebrations” (aka positive results) with me to elevate your vibrational energy to build more momentum for greater success!

You may want to explore your spirituality, your relationships, your physical body, work or business, or anything else. Regardless of the specifics, you will most assuredly experience dynamic growth and transformation.