One Word from God can change everything

My Journey to Hearing God’s Voice


As a child, I often felt adrift at sea without feeling I had received any meaningful guidance or instruction from my parents.

Christianity was introduced into my life while in grade school. Our brand of Christianity believed in the “gifts of the spirit.” One of these “gifts” was called the “gift of prophecy.” Often while at church, I witnessed a church member speaking an encouraging message for the entire congregation to hear. This is what I learned was the “gift of prophecy.” I was completely mesmerized and enamored by what I was observing.

My mother had this “gift of prophecy” and often delivered God’s inspirational messages to family, close friends, and acquaintances that were seeking spiritual direction.

I was secretly desirous of this gift and hoped I could receive messages from God too.

Note under the doorAfter college, I moved back in with my parents. My mornings usually began with a note slid under my bedroom door by my mother with a “word from God” to inspire and encourage me either about my current circumstances or a piece of direction about my future.

These “words from God” sustained me during a very difficult & confusing time in my life. And even though I was aware that this experience of receiving daily words from God was certainly not main-stream, it had become quite normal for me.

And, as I developed as a young adult, my desire to receive “words from God” for myself grew.

In my 20’s, while in church, I began to receive encouraging & loving messages in my thoughts. But I didn’t have the confidence to actually speak them out loud, just in case I was conjuring up the message in my mind or worse, someone in the church would challenge the authenticity of the message. I didn’t feel ready for anyone’s ridicule as I felt I was still trying to discern whether I was making up these messages or if I really was receiving them from a spiritual source.

Fast forward to today… hearing God’s voice is something I’ve practiced and honed until I was aware that I had a powerful certainty that I really was receiving messages from God. I knew that the Creator of the Universe was speaking to Me! Sometimes, the messages were for me; sometimes, the messages were for others; and sometimes, the messages were specifically for my clients.

Today, I refer to these messages by many names depending on the recipient. Sometimes, I call this gift to receive words from God as “Intuitive Wisdom” or “Intuitive Guidance.” Sometimes, I call it a “stream of consciousness.” But, regardless of words used to explain it, I know I have a powerful relationship with the Creator of this Universe and this Spiritual essence communicates with me.

I’m also aware that this ability to communicate with the Creator of the Universe is available to ALL individuals. But, not everyone is open to receiving messages because either they don’t believe it’s possible or they believe this ability is only given to a few.

So, although this ability does not make me special, I am unique in that I fully acknowledge that I hear the voice of God, just as my mother modeled for me as I was growing up.

During my coaching sessions, I am always in connection with the Divine Spirit and messages freely flow through me as a result. My clients receive the very message they’re needing for their current situation. Spirit and I are so blended, that although my client’s “hear” my physical voice, they’re actually receiving God’s message for them, exactly in the way they are needing.

While coaching, I’m modeling my spiritual connection to the Divine Spirit, which in turn gives evidence to my clients that not only is receiving Divine messages possible… but, they too can receive such messages.

And in my opinion, there’s nothing more exciting than being in connection with the Creator of the Universe and having Spirit speak directly to me!