What is the Law of Attraction?
An inaccurate definition of the Law of Attraction is that all you have to do is think or speak positively about what you want, then The Law of Attraction will bring to you whatever your positive thought represents. DON’T BELIEVE THIS POOR UNDERSTANDING BECAUSE THERE’S SO MUCH MORE TO MANIFESTING YOUR DESIRES!
If it were as simple as THINKING about what you want, then we’d all have everything we ever desired. And we know that’s not the case.
A more accurate way to look at the Law of Attraction is to understand it’s actually a Vibrational Response System. The Law of Attraction matches up things based on the vibrational quality together. Think of it as a cosmic matchmaker of vibrational energy.
You don’t actually USE The Law of Attraction (aka LOA)” to manifest things. It’s a Universal Law. This means it’s a Law that operates 24/7 whether you’re aware of it or not. [This is like how the Law of Gravity operates in this Universe. You don’t just decide to USE the Law of Gravity. But, you can learn to understand how it operates and then align with how it works to get the result you desire (such as how heavy airplanes have the ability to fly)].
LOA is operating continuously and IF you want circumstances to flow in a more positive manner for you, then learning to understand how it actually operates will allow you to align with it so that you can get the results that you want.
And that’s what most people don’t understand. Most people have only a surface-level understanding of LOA. But, to really understand LOA, is to get dig deep into understanding its principles and then follow those principles.
Here’s the biggest misunderstanding about what you experience:
Whatever you’re FEELING while focusing on what you want, is what you’re actually broadcasting into the Universe, meaning that’s what LOA receives.
And thus LOA returns to you whatever matches your FEELINGs broadcast.
So, if what you’re receiving doesn’t match your intended result, that means what you’re broadcasting is NOT what you think it is.
This is usually a result of a hidden (unconscious) limiting belief that is ACTIVELY being broadcast, but you’re unaware of it.
Thus, learning HOW to recognize these hidden limiting beliefs (to remove them) is the most valuable aspect of aligning with how LOA works.
And this can be learned as I’ve taught it to many of my clients.
Let’s look at the most basic principle of the Law of Attraction
The cornerstone principle of the Law of Attraction is:
The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your habitual Vibrational Feelings.
What you’re Feeling at any given moment is actually determining what’s happening in your relationships, your career, your financial circumstances, your health, weight, fitness level.
Yep, your Feelings are dictating absolutely EVERYTHING!!!! And where do your feelings originate, you may wonder…
- Feelings are a by-product of your thoughts.
- You see, every thought has a vibrational quality.
- And that vibrational quality is FELT through your emotions.
- So, every time you have Thought, a feeling is automatically generated.
- And whether you’re AWARE of this feeling is usually determined by your ability to be aware of it.
As for me, I was raised to ignore my feelings, so I had to learn to notice my feelings. They were there, but since I’d ignored them for so long, I had to really pay attention to notice them. (Maybe, you can relate?)
How you grew up may be working against you…
What you habitually think today and how you react to the world today was actually shaped by the time you were a young adult. And as such, most of humanity is pre-programmed with habitual thinking that doesn’t propel them to live out a wonderfully rich & fulfilling life.
According to neuro-science, our brains are not fully developed until early adulthood. We’re absorbing ideas/energy from within our environment without any filters until we’re about 7 yrs old… and the part of our brain that uses logic to reason is in the developmental process between ages 7-18 yrs old! That means, during our impressionable years, we’re not deliberately choosing which ideas or beliefs to accept and which beliefs to disregard.
We’re taking it ALL in (whether it benefits us or not). Is it any wonder, we experience the unwanted things we do? Yet, there’s a positive flip-side as you begin to understand the inherent value built into how/why our brains have been created this way. (But, that’s a whole other subject.)
So, unless you had someone teaching you the Law of Attraction and guiding you at an early age, making this shift to thinking thoughts that benefit you may not come easily.
The good news is…
You don’t have to struggle against pre-programmed thinking or be at the mercy of requiring circumstances or people to change in order for you to be happy & free. There’s another way.
It begins with changing your THINKING (which changes your feelings, which changes your vibrational broadcast into the Universe, and thus it changes what LOA returns to you). Because when you find a more empowering thought (or viewpoint), it can completely obliterate the old limiting beliefs.
You’re in good hands with me because my expertise is in:
(1) Identifying the thinking that’s causing your unhappiness
(2) Identifying the thinking that will turn your unhappiness issues upside down, pivoting you in the right direction
(3) Teaching you how to identify these kinds of thoughts for yourself.
I have no doubt you are capable of making the kinds of “thinking” changes that will satisfy the kind of life you most desire!