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Limiting Beliefs
Let’s talk about limiting beliefs and what they’re all about. Limiting beliefs are pesky beliefs that you believe to be the absolute truth. However, they are actually ideas that are not grounded in truth. So, why would you believe they are truth? Because at the time the limiting beliefs were established (oftentimes as a small child), their validity seemed plausible. You concluded at the time, that holding that belief would protect you from future harm. And one of the primary objectives of the unconscious mind is to protect you… and thus this belief became a solid idea to keep you safe.
What you didn’t know was holding this limiting belief would eventually cause you harm instead of the safety that you originally thought. They are called limiting beliefs for a reason and it’s because they limit what is available to you. They limit your success. They limit your happiness. They cause your efforts to be thwarted as you work toward the accomplishment of specific goals. Therefore, they “limit” what’s possible for you. Removing these limiting beliefs can unlock your unlimitedness!
Have you tried and tried and tried to accomplish something specific and yet nothing you do seems to give you the results that you desire? It’s probably not because you haven’t tried hard enough, but it’s because you have limiting beliefs aka unconscious blocks standing in the way of achieving your desired results. This happens to a lot of us, it happens to me more often than I like to admit.
These days, there are a plethora of trainings, online courses, and highly-qualified gurus to help you break through to amazing results in practically every area of your life. I know because I have personally spent tens of thousands of dollars for the results they promised. Yet, I didn’t get those results. And I was left sad, disappointed, and in despair. Maybe you can relate?
The truth is there was nothing wrong what they taught me. The problem was that I had unconscious resistance or limiting beliefs that stood in the way of me using their techniques to get the promised results. Their trainings were about gaining specific skills or techniques and not about uncovering personal unconscious limiting beliefs, so I couldn’t really blame them. Although I did blame them for a long time until I realized I had beliefs that were outside of my conscious awareness that were holding me back.
Eventually, I learned that I needed to clean up my personal limiting beliefs before I could use their programs, services, and products. But it took me a while to realize this and I tried effectively using their programs, I needed someone to help me clean up my messy unconscious thinking.
And once the limiting beliefs were removed, I’d be prepared to take on the strategies that were being presented to me. I needed a coach and not just any coach… it needed to be a coach skilled in understanding unconscious programming and how to change it.
Such coaches go by many titles… transformational coach, life coach, personal coach, etc. It all depends on training background and coaching experience. As one of these transformational coaches, I understand that the way to remove these unconscious blocks (limiting beliefs) is to become aware of them. And let’s face it, it’s not easy to become aware of something that you’re unconscious to… because you’re unconscious to it!
When it comes to my own limiting belief, I go to my coach who knows how to skillfully ask me the questions that loosen up my unconscious awareness until I finally can become conscious of what has been standing in my way. You might have a great friend you feel you can go to discuss this kind of stuff, but sometimes the subject is even too personal to discuss with them or perhaps they just don’t have the skill set necessary to ask you those profound questions.
Very few people know how to effectively ask the right questions to help you unearth these limiting beliefs, even when they have the best intentions to be helpful. And even if they could ask effective questions, would they know how to replace those limiting thoughts with powerful and effective thinking?
So if this limiting belief dilemma describes you, I suggest you reach out to me for a free complimentary session for us to begin working to get you free from these blockages. I am highly trained in this area and have many years of success in helping clients resolve the limiting belief conundrum.